Robot Koch x graniph

44flavours — Robot Koch x graniph

AFTERSHOCKS was the first digital release on KOCH‘s own label ROBOTSDONTSLEEP. We did the digital Cover which was inspired by the title and based on a photo I shot in New York back in 2005. The photo shows  Eastriver as seen from Greenpoint – Brooklyn. In the background you can see the middle of Manhattan and the Empire State building covered by this thin and fine leafless tree. We chose this imagery because it looks very sad cold and lifeless, as if the picture wa taken right after an aftershock. The hand-drawn and strange looking letters of the title look like they are flying through the sky and give the cover a weird touch. The letters seem to disintegrate and create splinters. They are quite loud because we wanted them to be emblematic of the sound which is very dark and heavy.

44flavours — Robot Koch x graniph
44flavours — Robot Koch x graniph
44flavours — Robot Koch x graniph