44flavours — Birthday Party!

Birthday Party!

Posted by JR on November 17th 2016 in Exhibitions, Party

YEY! Let’s celebrate Nils’ and Julio’s birthdays! It’s going to happen this Saturday at the opening of Phillip Zwanzig’s exhibition opening at our new Project Space Raum Vollreinigung.


44flavours — Sacred Ground Festival

Sacred Ground Festival

Posted by JR on July 6th 2015 in Installation/Sets, music, Party

We’re glad to be invited to build an Installation at the Sacred Ground Festival.
Make sure to be one of the few guests. They sell only 800 tickets plus theses tickets are affordable and the line-up is great!
What are you waiting for? See you next saturday!


44flavours — 44flavours PARTYTIME :)

44flavours PARTYTIME :)

Posted by JR on December 5th 2014 in Party

Dear extended family, friends and friends of friends.
Please feel invited to celebrate with us for different reasons! We would like to dance with you, cause 2014 has been a great year! Another reason is the Schnapszahl-Birthday of Julio, who turned 33 in November. If you’d like to come, R.S.V.P.: hello(at)44flavours.de and we will put you on the list!