Dont’t Believe The Type

44flavours — Dont’t Believe The Type

In order to make these letters we first had to design our own font. All the letter types were hand drawn on paper, first in B&W, we added the colors at the very end using the blue and red Posca markers. Once all the letter designs were finished we transferred them to a single flat wooden surface using the silk screening technique. We cut each letter out using a band saw, sanded it and sealed it with a clear wood varnish. The font was created for the show DON’T BELIEVE THE TYPE which opened at THE HAGUE in the Netherlands. The final work shown was an installation of an anagram. We wrote: DON’T BITE LET EVE HYPE.

44flavours — Dont’t Believe The Type
44flavours — Dont’t Believe The Type
44flavours — Dont’t Believe The Type
44flavours — Dont’t Believe The Type
44flavours — Dont’t Believe The Type