Playful Type 2

44flavours — Playful Type 2

Published by GESTALTEN, Berlin. The briefing for this one was not only exciting for us, but it also perfectly supported our own ideas about the design process. Die GESTALTEN VERLAG asked us to come up with a concept for the cover artwork of the book so, of course, we decided to create some hand-painted signs. First we painted on an old wooden door, then we cut the pieces out with a saber saw. We ended up with an installation which was the actual book title: PLAYFUL TYPE 2 EPHEMERAL LETTERING & ILLUSTRATIVE FONTS. The job was a lot of fun. Considering the fact that we were also featured in the book, we are very proud to have been asked to design the cover.

About the Book: »Playful Type 2 examines how designers are using a variety of techniques to produce typography and lettering in a range of innovative styles. As in other creative disciplines, there is currently a perceptible trend toward handmade solutions in typography that is reflected in the high incidence of calligraphy and illustrative design presented in the book. This publication not only features high-quality type design, but also diverse applications for this original lettering.«

44flavours — Playful Type 2
44flavours — Playful Type 2
44flavours — Playful Type 2
44flavours — Playful Type 2