
44flavours — Collage

The collage is one of our main techniques and we’ve been perfecting it over the years. There’s no reason to hide the fact that we’re heavily inspired by the works of the Dadaists of the 20ies and the Nouveaux Realists of the 60ies.

This series is a collection of collages that I made last year for one of our exhibitions, but unfortunately it didn’t get shown. And btw. some of theses are still available, so if you guys want to purchase any of them just drop us a line. It’s also possible that we’ll show these at our next exhibit. Keep your eyes open :)

44flavours — Collage
44flavours — Collage
44flavours — Collage
44flavours — Collage
44flavours — Collage
44flavours — Collage
44flavours — Collage