44flavours — NO ART NO STREET

We’re pretty sure that we’ve already mentioned NO ART NO STREET in the past, probably on numerous occasions. In case the information somehow got lost in the mix: the whole project came out of our cooperation with Estelle Beauvais of DASEIN PROJEKT. Estelle is making a documentary about the connections between the underground art scenes in Berlin and Paris. We’re very happy to announce that the first part of the movie was finally shown at the Babylon Mitte cinema. The remaining 5 parts of the film will be released very soon. In the meantime you can check our talking heads and additional movie clips and photos here.

NO ART NO STREET is a documentary series that focuses on walls which function as paintings and the ways in which they are created and how they evolve out of the interactions between artists.

Prdouced by DASEIN PROJEKT in collaboration with 44FLAVOURS Author, Director ESTELLE BEAUVAIS Creator, Reporter JULIO RÖLLE Sound Designer: JEF GUILLON


44flavours — NO ART NO STREET
44flavours — NO ART NO STREET