Turn It Up

Wall painting with Otto Baum

44flavours — Turn It Up

»It started with a Dilla tribute by Elaquent – pressure tearing boom box speakers pushed a notch beyond red. Google map: Ritterstr. 26, Kreuzberg – Berlin, 44flavours’ atelier. Beat on repeat. Shutter jaw snap on the regular. Julio Rölle and Otto Baum red handed – caught in the painting cypher mechanics locked to the beat running on repeat. Visceral visual poetics ephemeral. Just press play!« lp

Art: Julio Rölle (44flavours) & Otto Baum (KLUB7)

Camera &Edit: Frederic Leitzke (Editude Pictures)

Music: Elaquent – So Far, So Good

44flavours — Turn It Up
44flavours — Turn It Up
44flavours — Turn It Up