
Pyramids on Marx – Exhibition

44flavours — Roller-Boards

This was a project that was started by Mymo and she’s also the one who invited us to participate. The idea was to create art inspired by skateboarding and art that inspires it. It so happens that we had a beautiful batch of wood in the studio,which was given to us by Irold, one of our carpenter friends. We started by puzzling different pieces of wood to form 4 proper boards. Then we drew shapes of spaced out old-school-fred-feuerstein-skateboards and finally cut them out. To nail the concept we decided to use actual paint rollers from Pocco Domäne and Bauhaus, instead of traditional wheels. In a nutshell, this is how the 44flavours roller-board was born. We tested the boards at the art-installation that we constructed with Levin Wagner at the Redbull Berlin headquarters.

44flavours — Roller-Boards
44flavours — Roller-Boards
44flavours — Roller-Boards
44flavours — Roller-Boards
44flavours — Roller-Boards
44flavours — Roller-Boards
44flavours — Roller-Boards