Voll schön

44flavours — Voll schön

Voll Schön means very beautiful. The phrase was invented by our friends Nick and Alsino. Nick works hard at making places like Rummelsburger Buch into amazing party spots and he does so successfully. Nick and Alsino have a great ear for good music and a sharp eye for amazing art. Last time they invited us, we decided to build a cathedral. Why? Cause we thought that all the drugged out people at the event acted as if they were a part of some sect. We thought that maybe they needed a place to pray? The thing was fun to build. The comments from some of the drugged out party victims: priceless!

44flavours — Voll schön
44flavours — Voll schön
44flavours — Voll schön
44flavours — Voll schön
44flavours — Voll schön
44flavours — Voll schön
44flavours — Voll schön