Völkl – xBreed

Snowboard Artwork

44flavours — Völkl – xBreed

Völk 12/13
We’ve been working with Völkl for many years now. At this point we created about half of their snowboard collection. And it’s really a pleasure to work with Thomas, Weini, Sören, Phil and Tarek. Every year we fly out to Munich and get driven to a small town called Straubing, where Völkl still produces most of their products. The place is strange and we never get to see much of it, as we spend most of our time in the conference room. The meetings are fun and the people there talk in a funny way. We usually discuss tuning boards and designs for posers vs cores. ‘Cause pros don’t fall much, if at all, but a poser falls all the time and if his board is really bright and loud it’ll make him even more visible. Something to think about. Another question that we can spend hours on is: will girls still like pink boards in two years? We could write books about this one!

Here you can see the xBreed Design that we created for the season 2012/13.

44flavours — Völkl – xBreed
44flavours — Völkl – xBreed
44flavours — Völkl – xBreed
44flavours — Völkl – xBreed
44flavours — Völkl – xBreed