FH Salzburg – Teaching 2013

»Demonstration as urban intervention in public space«

44flavours — FH Salzburg – Teaching 2013

We’ve been spending quite a lot time teaching. We gave a series of lectures and workshops in Salzburg at the University of Applied Sciences for MultiMediaArt. We also held a workshop at the Kunsthochschule Burg Giebichenstein at Halle an der Saale and at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Offenbach. Working with students is a very gratifying experience and it’s great to see how many talented, young people are interested in contemporary art and design these days. But truthfully, nothing beats working with children! They’re pure conduits of creative energy and a huge source of inspiration for us. We’re learning as much from them as, we would hope, they’re learning from us.

The photos below are an overview of all of our teaching gigs, including the one that took place in Salzburg – Austria in June 2013. This particular workshop was centered around the theme of »demonstration as urban intervention in public space«. As a part of the course we asked our students to develop different demonstration tools to convince others of their personal views. We started with a couple of warm up exercises. In one, the students only had two minutes to paint a simple A3 poster using some black paint and a brush only. The exercise was then repeated, but with a one minute time frame, and finally the whole poster had to be finished in only 30 seconds. The full course took a whole week and ended with a real student organized demonstration which took place on the streets of Salzburg. Each group designed different tools to express their individual ideas to the Austrian public. The only rule was that the signs had to be made in the black and white color scheme – we wanted a cohesive aesthetic for the whole group. After walking through the inner city we mounted all the picket signs around a tree in a centrally located park; a reminder of the importance of democratic diversity.

44flavours — FH Salzburg – Teaching 2013
44flavours — FH Salzburg – Teaching 2013
44flavours — FH Salzburg – Teaching 2013
44flavours — FH Salzburg – Teaching 2013
44flavours — FH Salzburg – Teaching 2013
44flavours — FH Salzburg – Teaching 2013
44flavours — FH Salzburg – Teaching 2013
44flavours — FH Salzburg – Teaching 2013
44flavours — FH Salzburg – Teaching 2013
44flavours — FH Salzburg – Teaching 2013