Installation »Circles«

For ARTE – Tracks

44flavours — Installation »Circles«

We were very delighted when we got the call from Max Wend. He is a friend of ours who works at Kobalt, the production company that created the Tracks series for Arte. He told us that Tracks were planning to have an image overhaul, which would also include a new logo and possibly even a new jingle. He also told us about the new app that Tracks was about to launch and wanted to celebrate with it with a launch party, here in Berlin. He asked us if we would be interested in taking part in this festivity. They had already invited some musicians, but since Track deals with all facets of culture, they thought that it would also be great to invite some visual artists that could build something exclusively for the occasion. When Max showed his team some of our previous work they had all agreed that it would be fun to have us build an installation during the actual event. Suffice to say, we accepted gladly.

44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
We were allowed to prepare some of the materials that we'd be using in advance. We painted some of the elements in our studio, but only partially. When the day of the event arrived we were picked up by a driver and took our entire stash of wood to the location.
Rewind! We started by choosing the optimal types of materials to work with during the event. We prepared a couple of drawings of what we wanted the installation to look like. We knew that it had to be huge! We also wanted to work with dots and circles and have them interact visually with lines created by wooden support beams, the type that we usually use to build our large-scale pieces with. We cut 15 circles out of wood, in different sizes, and painted all of them in such a way that they created the illusion of being 30 pieces. In addition we took 6 old windows from our archive-collection and we painted them on location at the Urban Spree courtyard.
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
Painting and building installations live has a definite performance value to it. It focuses the attention of the people and gives them a glimpse into the creative process. At the end of every "performance" we always have a dramatic finalee, usually this is the moment when all of the modules that constitute a piece are finally connected and the complete work appears.

The day after the event we transported the finished installation to the Urban Spree garden. We needed a total of 8 people to be able to carry the whole thing. The piece looks great and in its new home and we are curious to see how the weather conditions will transform it over time.
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«
44flavours — Installation »Circles«