Reineke Fuchs

Jumping Jacks!

44flavours — Reineke Fuchs

Our friend Manoj had developed the CI for a club called Reineke Fuchs, located in Cologne – Germany. The idea was to bring in new artists annually to paint or illustrate a series of animals representing individual months of the year. When he invited us to contribute, we decided to do something sculptural – a series of 12 animal jumping jacks. We didn’t really think about the amount of work that this would require … Lets put it like this: it’s a lot of fun! The procedure is quite complex and time consuming, so we can only manage to make one piece per month. We’re still on it!

44flavours — Reineke Fuchs
44flavours — Reineke Fuchs
44flavours — Reineke Fuchs
44flavours — Reineke Fuchs
44flavours — Reineke Fuchs
44flavours — Reineke Fuchs
44flavours — Reineke Fuchs
44flavours — Reineke Fuchs
44flavours — Reineke Fuchs