Völkl Snowboards

Artworks 2015/16

44flavours — Völkl Snowboards
Squad Prime top sheet

Every year, for the past I don’t know how many years now, we get to design boards for our friends at Völkl. As a matter of fact, we are working on some right now. Before we share those, which will take a second,since still need to be finished and approved, here’s a preview of three designs that we created about a year ago. And guess what?! They were just presented at the sales meeting of the ISPO, which took place in Munich, this past weekend.


44flavours — Völkl Snowboards
Squad Prime base
44flavours — Völkl Snowboards
Squad Rocker top sheet
44flavours — Völkl Snowboards
Squad Rocker base
44flavours — Völkl Snowboards
Jibby top sheet
44flavours — Völkl Snowboards
Jibby base
44flavours — Völkl Snowboards
Xbreed top sheet
44flavours — Völkl Snowboards
Xbreed base