Hans Staden TV

Installation Jan Brokof

44flavours — Hans Staden TV

This project is a work in progress. It’s an ongoing collaboration with an artist friend, who, as it appears, has a great idea for a never ending project and an immense amount of charm, to get you involved in it – if you take a moment to inhale his story. Lets rewind a bit. We met Jan Brokof last year in Sao Paulo, at the Prototype festival, where he showed a food sculpture and played noise music using a variety of local fruits. Jan is a great guy! Something’s telling me that we will keep on working with him and that there are a lot of collaborative projects awaiting us beyond the event horizon.

Our first group effort was the construction of a miniature city, a movie set, for a short film series about the comic clash of cultures and customs: Germany vs Brazil. The film will be shot with the help of Mariana Senne Dos Santos, a Brazilian dancer, who will perform a dance piece with our set as a backdrop. Btw., what I forgot to mention is that this set is our depiction of Sao Paulo and that it took us a couple of days to build it. We’re really looking forward to seeing our miniature world come to life on film.

When I asked Jan to give us a short project description, he wrote:
 A set for a short film: “There is no more love left in Sao Paulo”

44flavours — Hans Staden TV
44flavours — Hans Staden TV
44flavours — Hans Staden TV
44flavours — Hans Staden TV
44flavours — Hans Staden TV
44flavours — Hans Staden TV
44flavours — Hans Staden TV
44flavours — Hans Staden TV
44flavours — Hans Staden TV
44flavours — Hans Staden TV
44flavours — Hans Staden TV
44flavours — Hans Staden TV
44flavours — Hans Staden TV
44flavours — Hans Staden TV
44flavours — Hans Staden TV
44flavours — Hans Staden TV
44flavours — Hans Staden TV
44flavours — Hans Staden TV
44flavours — Hans Staden TV
44flavours — Hans Staden TV
44flavours — Hans Staden TV
44flavours — Hans Staden TV
44flavours — Hans Staden TV
44flavours — Hans Staden TV
44flavours — Hans Staden TV