Rosa Elefant Rosa Elegant

Banana Gallery

44flavours — Rosa Elefant Rosa Elegant

In summer 2015, we were invited by the Banana Gallery in Mannheim (a pop-up art space curated by Pascal Baumgärtner) to put on a solo show. We decided to call it “Rosa Elefant Rosa Elegant” or “Pink Elephant Pink Elegant”. A nice article written by our friend Jana Duda appeared on IDOART, and was distributed in a small catalogue during the show. Here is an excerpt:

Action and resonance: the dialogical work of 44flavours
For more than ten years, Julio Rölle and Sebastian Bagge have been working closely together as graphic designers and artists. They are definitely rooted in graffiti, which is not only visible in style and technique but also in their light-hearted approach, their unshakeable DIY-attitude as well as their ability to improvise and turn every piece of paper, board, wood or fabric into a piece of art. Analogue is the motto: they saw and cut, paint and spray.


44flavours — Rosa Elefant Rosa Elegant
44flavours — Rosa Elefant Rosa Elegant
Their latest work is the result of a deliberately set break that followed the question of how to find back to that magic energy that has driven the duo for so many years. They wanted to deviate from worn-out approaches and develop new creative solutions. They wanted to escape the repetitious “Have you already …?” and “Yeah, sure.” They wanted to get back to “Hey! Wow! Very good!” The escape plan was to re-enter the artistic and non-verbal dialogue. For that, they hid in a studio for three days. Julio started the process by using sketches from another project and developed an air brush technique for paper. Sebastian continued in copying the forms and shapes into wood cut that he printed upon Julio’s paintings. As the final step they finished each piece with another layer of air brush. The results were strong and convincing and so the shared fun was rebuilt and the intense cooperation continues.
44flavours — Rosa Elefant Rosa Elegant
44flavours — Rosa Elefant Rosa Elegant
44flavours — Rosa Elefant Rosa Elegant
Despite of the creative dialogue between the two, these new works show another dialogical structure. One cannot dismiss a strong reference to artistic precursors; classic modernists like Picasso’s figures, Matisse’s forms and colors, Paul Klee’s graphical image build-up, the surrealistic spatiality of Georgio de Chirico’s Pittura metafisica or the geometrical physicality of Oskar Schlemmer’s costumes that he had designed for his Triadic ballet. However, 44Flavours are contemporary artists and therefore such inter-pictorial aspects should be read as a wink to art history. Both of them are aware of the tradition but do not consider it as a guiding star of their own artistic practice. Contemporary inspiration is more significant to them, such as the pixacao taggings that Julio discovered on a trip to Brazil. These taggings are almost illegible and they cover whole buildings in Brazil’s big cities. They should be read as subversive and political statements of marginalized groups and 44Flavours cited them in their air brush paintings.

Julio and Sebastian are living the dialogue. Not just the dialogue between each other but in commune with all the signs and forms of the visual culture that surrounds them and therefore shapes them. Their work is an example of how to incorporate historic references with a playful touch while integrating actual and global visual phenomena respectfully. - Jana Duda.
44flavours — Rosa Elefant Rosa Elegant
44flavours — Rosa Elefant Rosa Elegant
44flavours — Rosa Elefant Rosa Elegant
44flavours — Rosa Elefant Rosa Elegant
44flavours — Rosa Elefant Rosa Elegant
44flavours — Rosa Elefant Rosa Elegant
44flavours — Rosa Elefant Rosa Elegant
44flavours — Rosa Elefant Rosa Elegant