La Vieille Prison

Installation in an Abandoned Prison

44flavours — La Vieille Prison
View into the hallway of the old prison.

Back in December 2015, we flew out for the Porlwi Festival to take part in a very interesting exhibition. The event took place at the La Vieille Prison – an 18th century women’s prison – located in the center of Port Louis. Each artist was asked to create an installation at a 2×2 meter prison cell.  For our piece we teamed up with our friend Jurgen from Bark in the Yard. We came up with the idea to illustrate »cheap truth« phrases and to make signs on different pieces of wood and finally, to install them inside the space. The final piece was a mixture of quotes and phrases that we picked up during our stay on Mauritius. Picar, thank you for letting us be a part of your “artists in residency” program, and for letting us use your little studio so conveniently located next door to paradise.

44flavours — La Vieille Prison
44flavours — La Vieille Prison
44flavours — La Vieille Prison
44flavours — La Vieille Prison
Installation view
44flavours — La Vieille Prison
44flavours — La Vieille Prison
44flavours — La Vieille Prison
simple is beautiful
44flavours — La Vieille Prison
44flavours — La Vieille Prison
Preparations for the installation in the prison.
44flavours — La Vieille Prison
Palm Truth
44flavours — La Vieille Prison
Working inside the cell.
44flavours — La Vieille Prison
»Boys don't cry«
44flavours — La Vieille Prison
View into our cell with all the wood elements with the quotes standing in front.
44flavours — La Vieille Prison
Sebastian cutting wood outside the beachhouse
44flavours — La Vieille Prison
Inside view of Picar's studio, while we were working in it.
44flavours — La Vieille Prison
Sculpture in an unfinished working process
44flavours — La Vieille Prison
44flavours — La Vieille Prison
Working on the elements for the installation in Picar's studio in the beautiful beachhouse and headquarter of bark in the yard.
44flavours — La Vieille Prison
la verité merité
44flavours — La Vieille Prison
44flavours — La Vieille Prison
Everything will be fine will...
44flavours — La Vieille Prison
Free cheap truth
44flavours — La Vieille Prison
Work smart not hard
44flavours — La Vieille Prison
Laying out painted elements, cut out from wood.