Playful Expression

44flavours — Playful Expression

We love the unconventional and a free approach to type design. We’ll be exploring the different parameters of this type of expression which, more often than not, teeters on the dysfunctional, but still remains playful at the core. We love to invent new forms and to create intense combinations of letters. We love to experiment with colors and different source materials. These particular pieces were all made with colored crayons and paper. The formats of these works: A6, A5 & A4. If you’re interested in buying one of these originals, drop us a line.

44flavours — Playful Expression
44flavours — Playful Expression
44flavours — Playful Expression
44flavours — Playful Expression
44flavours — Playful Expression
44flavours — Playful Expression
44flavours — Playful Expression